Innovations in Education: Moral Education, Social Cohesion, and Culture diplomacy
Eric King-man Chong
School of Education and Languages, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong, China
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moral education
social cohesion
culture diplomacy
citizenship education
Hong Kong

How to Cite

Chong, E. K.- man. (2023). Innovations in Education: Moral Education, Social Cohesion, and Culture diplomacy. Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 6(1), i-v.


This special issue contains three interesting articles which provide some innovating teaching experiences across different East Asian societies. They have presented some salient educational issues across different societies in this East Asia, which can possibly provide some references for other societies when they embark on educational reforms. This collection of papers further upfront recent issues such as moral education, community participation for social cohesions, and using educational institutes to promote culture as soft power.

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